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BootCamp_LargeBoot Camp

by Lisa Knight

Genre: Contemporary Romance


It’s time to get sweaty.

Discovering her boyfriend with another man was not Louise Jackerby’s best day. Food helped to ease the pain, and after months of eating her way through heartbreak, she registers for a fitness boot camp to get into shape.

Kissing the instructor was never on Louise’s agenda, yet to her surprise she finds herself falling for Charlie Greerson, whose world of health and fitness is in major contrast to her own.

When tragedy strikes, Louise discovers she has more in common with Charlie than she initially thought, but despite their strong connection, she’s plagued by their obvious differences and must decide if this unlikely relationship can go the distance.

Content Warning: contains some sexual content and explicit language




Author Info:

I love writing all kinds of stories but romance is definitely my favorite. Curling up with my laptop on a cold winter’s day is my idea of writing heaven, and if there’s coffee and chocolate close by that’s even better.

I’m always on the lookout for story and character ideas and am inspired by everyday things like people doing their grocery shopping, having morning tea at the local café, or the beautiful ‘welcome back’ hugs and kisses at the arrivals gate at the airport. Makes me cry just thinking about it!

I live in Canberra, Australia with my husband, and whenever I can, I snatch time to write between being a mum to our three young boys and my job as a social worker.

Author Media Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisaknightauthor

Blog: http://lisaknightauthor.blogspot.com.au/


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